15 Reasons to Date a Cyclist

If adorable guy which only requested you out uses his vacations on a cycle, please say yes.

Listed below are 15 reasons why you should date a cyclist:

1. Two words: bicycle shorts.

2. It’s research: Cyclists are hot. A recent study learned that cyclists who excelled from inside the trip de France tend to be regarded as more attractive than other sports athletes — and this the top 10% of cyclists “is about 25 percent more appealing compared to the least expensive 10 %.” Perhaps fast will be the new rich?

3. Cyclists are wise. Based on a current Mindlab study, a lot of people see cyclists as 13 % more intelligent as compared to average person.

4. Cyclists are perfect. In accordance with the same study, cyclists are often considered as ten percent a lot more non-profit than non-cyclists.

5. Your own day should be available for a bit. Professional cyclists stay, typically, 6.3 more years than non-cyclists. (Um, providing they do not get struck by an auto.)

6. Cyclists are useful. After several years of honing bike-maintenance skills, the big date will be upwards for repairing situations throughout the house, too.

7. The best outdoors. In case you are sick of internet dating interior cats, date a cyclist. You will definately get reacquainted with character. And perhaps actually travel a tad bit more.

8. Cyclists tend to be dedicated — and don’t accept defeat. Hopefully this also includes their quest for commitment success, too.

9. No sluggish bums right here, just toned types. Cyclists tend to be disciplined, often rigorously therefore, and will resist sun and rain to obtain their trips in.

10. Cyclists are continually setting goals on their own. If you need a forward-thinking big date, search no further.

11. Cyclists have actually great near-death-experience tales to generally share, and this is the reason why they truly are also sticklers about protection.

12. You can start cycling, as well! Your own day can be excited to share his/her excitement for your recreation. Indeed, all the family can participate in, if the two of you ultimately procreate.

13. Cyclists do not get in touch with ill. According to a 2013 survey from the National Cycle system, cyclists take half the sheer number of unwell days as his or her general public transportation-riding co-workers.

14. Consider your big date’s obsession making use of the open hand atlanta roadway is a little over-the-top? He’s saner than you would imagine. Research indicates that vigorous exercise like biking can enhance quantity and storage while reducing stress and anxiety. The cycle is useful for their brain.

15. Love our planet? Biking can be environmentally friendly because will get.

Analysis Info:

2. http://www.livescience.com/43110-attractive-cyclists-tour-de-france.html and http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26034659

3 and 4. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/cycling/cyclists-are-more-intelligent-charitable-and-cool-than-the-average-person-says-study-9051434.html

5. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cycling/pro-cyclists-live-longer-report-20130903-2t3ka.html

13.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/recreational-cycling/10097449/Cycling-halves-the-number-of-sick-days-taken-by-staff.html

14. http://www.bicycling.com/news/advocacy/your-brain-cycling

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